Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta - Indonesia
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Faculty of Business and Economics
This research aims to determine the long- and short-term relationships between the Return on Asset (ROA), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Operational Costs to Operational Income (BOPO), Industrial Production Index (IPI), and inflation on financing risk or Non Performing Financing (NPF) at Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia. This study uses secondary data obtained from publications by the Financial Services Authority and the Central Statistics Agency for the period January 2015 to June 2023. The the Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) method was used with the help of Eviews 12.0. The results show that in the long term, the ROA variable has a negative and significant effect on NPF. The FDR and BOPO variables have a positive and significant effect on NPF. However, Inflation and IPI variables have no long-term effect on NPF. In the short term, ROA and BOPO influence NPF. Meanwhile, the FDR, Inflation and IPI variables had no influence on NPF in the short term.
Keywords : Non Performing Financing; Islamic Commercial Bank; ROA; FDR; BOPO